Updates and learning time management

So I haven’t blogged in a while and I apologize profusely!!!! Time management is something we all could use more practice with especially when you are working a full time job, managing your household and your health plus numerous other projects!!! So here is the lowdown on what has happened these last few weeks!!

I “graduated” from my training class at work and now I am adjusting to my regular schedule which is over night. My body is wants to adjust but things that need to happen must be accomplished during the day when stores and doctor’s offices are opened. It is sad that there are a lot of people that work over night however the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge that schedule. Sometimes I wonder if we work too hard and too much just to keep up!

My pain has increased however I do believe this is a direct correlation to getting back into the working field and dealing with the adjustments. I refuse, however to give up especially when my family needs this extra income! I am sure at some point my body will adjust, like it has before, and the pain will level out to a much more tolerable level. I also feel guilty that my home is not kept how it should be however again this an adjustment that we will overcome!

No matter what ability or disability that you may have or not have, does not mean that you are incapable of following your dreams and doing what is necessary to provide for your family, whether it be financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Those things will always be necessary for the family unit to thrive and you are always an essential part of that unit.

Putting yourself on a detailed schedule can help you in many ways with time management however you have to be dedicated. It is a learning curve I know and one that I have always struggled with, however communication with yourself and your family is always the best way to develop your time management skills. I will be researching better ways to manage the time I spend and making it productive without giving up on the things that mean the most to my family and myself!

I love blogging and it is a release for me to vent my frustrations and achievements. Plus it is a way for others who may be in the same situation or one like mine to know there are other people out there fighting the same battles and achieving success no matter what odds may be stacked against them!

I hope that all my readers will understand that I am dedicated to this blog and to informing the world about Spina Bifida, RSD/CRPS, pain management, and other issues as the blog continues to grow. However the learning curve may take me away from this from time to time but I refuse to give up on what I am passionate about, this blog being one.

Know that like everyone else, I am and will continue to be, a work in progress. I will continue to grow as an individual, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and a blogger amongst other things that define me! I hope that you all understand and know that I feel I have been called to this mission of informing the world that no matter what your odds may be that you are always needed and are important to others!!! I will not stop till I know that I have made a difference in this world no matter how big or small it may be!!!

That being said……shuffle on my friends!!!!!

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