What I call “the movement”

As I have become more active in listening (or in this case, reading) through the SB pages and Facebook pages, I have noticed a different change in attitude through the generations of people with SB and how they are raised. Everyone has their own way of raising their children because that is their right as a parent. However, you have to take into consideration how it will affect your child and their quality of life!

I have noticed as the younger generations start getting older, the influence their parent’s have on them becomes even more prevalent to their attitudes and how it affects them medically, socially, emotionally, etc. I also have noticed a big change from I can do this, even though it might be different a different way from able-bodied people, to the phrase “I can’t do (insert here) because I have SB.”

Older generations did not have access to the internet or if they did it was very limited. They did not have the opportunity to discuss with other people with SB as openly and as easy as we do today. So their parent’s raised them to have the mindset that “I can’t” is not in their vocabulary. “You can” is the phrase that they were raised with and still use to this day! Whether they actually can or adapt to the situation according to their abilities, they will rise above SB! They have succeeded physically (with accordance to their abilities or non-abilities), professionally, socially, and so much more. They have been raised to believe that even though a particular doctor has set limitations on them, they will overcome and prove the medical community wrong.

improvise adapt overcome

Now there is “the movement” in the SB community that refuses to improvise, adapt, and overcome their limitations. They use their specific diagnosis as a huge crutch, to put limitations on what they are very capable of achieving. It is too the point that it has affected many areas in their life, including their independence. It also seem to effect them further more into becoming socially inept. This saddens me to my core!!!!

My parent’s raised me to be independent, to eliminate the words “I can’t” and to succeed no matter what obstacles may stand in my way. Now there are some things that I might not be able to do anymore that I have done in the past, however I have  managed to improvise, adapt and overcome those particular obstacles.

No matter how your parent’s may or may not have raised you or what doctors have said what you can or cannot do; it is up to you as an individual to either use that crutch or rise above it! Learn that there are children with SB that need a positive role model. If you are always negative and full of I cant’s instead of I can, what are you reflecting onto them? Are you affecting them in a positive or negative way? Are you affecting the way new parent’s think when they find out their newborn has SB? Think about it, seriously, think about it!!!

Look for future blog posts for parent’s with children whom have SB!!!!

Shuffle on my friends!!!

One thought on “What I call “the movement”

  1. Enjoyed the post and completely agree with the change in many people’s mindset to make assumptions about whether or not something can be accomplished before am attempt has even been made. I too believe a contributing factor is how someone is raised and what is instilled in them.

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