The Next Phase

I have not worked on my blog as much as I have hoped to over the last year, but times have changed and I believe the voices of adults with Spina Bifida need to be heard. Over the next couple months I will be giving you a look into my life with Spina Bifida, chronic pain, and just the average shuffle of life.

Please understand that I am a woman who just happens to have a birth defect and a chronic pain disorder, however that is not what defines me! I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, cousin, neice, daughter-in-law, and friend. I have been to college, worked for major corporations and small business. I have volunteered as a youth minister and music minister in my church. I have done and accomplished many things in 33 years and I still have challenges facing me ahead.

My journey is mine. It is what God has laid out before me and I have had the free will to choose my path. Though it may not be a path that those around me would have taken, it is my path. I am not “special” in any way. I’m not wanting to be an inspiration.  I am wanting what is best for my family and I. I want to make a path for younger people with these diagnosis that is easier for them to walk. I want to cut down all the huge bushes and obstacles in our way, so they will be recognized and understood by the medical community and by their own family and friends. I choose to do this by sharing my medical issues and daily life of shuffling everything but maintaining a balance. Hopefully this will lay down a solid foundation for those behind me.

I hope that by sharing my life, I may enter into your life and make you laugh, learn new information, understand and be open to other ways of life. And maybe figure out how to shuffle through everything that lies before you no matter how difficult the challenges may be that lie ahead.

Remember this great quote from Wayne Gretzky:
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!”