Jump to today

So I am jumping around right now in this blog due to some recent events and I need to write. You know how it is when you are going through so much that just writing something down will help you get through the toughest times.

Two weeks ago I had surgery on my left foot at Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN.  That’s where the Christina shuffle comes from. My balance has slowly been declining and when I stand I shuffle around trying to maintain a balance This will become the next dance craze, I promise!!!!. The only time I think that is good, is when you are out with your friends and they need a designated decoy! (Yes that is a joke!) So I had surgery on my left foot to see if fixing my feet will aid in regaining my balance. Here’s what sucks the most, I am in a wheelchair and can not put any pressure on my foot. The positive is I have a very pretty pink and black cast!!!

So now I am basically confined to my house unless someone comes and picks me up to go somewhere. I am alone most of the time because my wonderful hubby works a lot. I have always been a very independent person and hate being stuck without a way out. Most of all, I love to drive and since I can’t lift this wheelchair in and out of my car, I am at home. I don’t know if this is God testing my strength again or just a horrible joke that will lead me to being put in a room with padded walls.  Even though that last option sounds good because you can jump around and have a dance party without getting hurt, I don’t think I would be happy being alone in the padded room. Would anyone like to join me???

Being alone sucks, even though I get phone calls from my dear friends, it’s still not the same. I don’t know how others deal with this but I would love some advice!!!